外地[wài dì] 基本解释:

  • parts of the country other than where one is
  • foreign lands
  • 新英汉大词典:

    外地[wài dì]
  • - other places; nonlocal; parts of the country other than where one is:

    The production unit of the Beijing Film Studio will leave Beijing for other parts of the country to film the exterior next month.北京电影制片厂摄制组下个月去外地拍外景。

  • - (集装箱)外地空回 overland transit empty (OT)
  • 短语
    外地劳力non-native workers; (集装箱)
    外地装箱回送overland transit full (OF)
  • 以上内容来源于:《新汉英大辞典》